ASL Dictionary
- 1-10*
- Ability*
- Abolish*
- About*
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Alcohol*
- American Sign Language
- April Fool
- Are you hungry?*
- Are you ok?*
- Are you tired?*
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Asexual
- Assault
- Bath**
- Bear
- Beautiful*
- Bed*
- Binoculars*
- Bird*
- Blanket*
- Boat*
- Book*
- Bored*
- Breakfast*
- Buffalo*
- Bull*
- Burger*
- Cake*
- California
- Camp*
- Camping Chair*
- Can you help me?*
- Candy*
- Cat*
- Cereal
- Challenge accepted
- Cheese
- Cheeseburger*
- Cheesecake*
- Chocolate*
- Closed*
- Clothes*
- Coffee
- Coffee, please
- Colorado
- Compass*
- Connecticut
- Cool*
- Coyote*
- Crocodile*
- Cute*
- Cute dog*
- Cute fox
- Day*
- Deaf*
- Deer*
- Delaware
- Dessert*
- Dinner*
- Do you want a hug?*
- Do you want to play?*
- Dog*
- Dragon*
- Drawing*
- Drink*
- Finish*
- Flashlight*
- Florida
- Fox*
- Friend*
- Fun*
- Funny*
- Georgia
- Ghost
- Gift*
- Go to bedroom*
- Goat*
- Good work*
- Goosebumps
- Graduation Day*
- Graham Crackers*
- Handsome*
- Happy Halloween
- Happy Mother's Day*
- Hawaii
- Help*
- Home*
- Horror movie
- Horse*
- Hug*
- Hyena*
- I am the wolf*
- I have fun*
- I love you*
- I need water*
- Ice Cream*
- Idaho
- Illinois
- I'm bored
- I'm excited
- I'm hungry*
- I'm sorry*
- I'm tired*
- Indiana
- Internet*
- Iowa
- It's a pleasure to meet you*
- Kansas
- Laptop*
- Let's go and eat out*
- Lizard*
- Louisiana
- Lunch*
- Maine
- Marijuana*
- Mario
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Matches*
- Medicine*
- Michigan
- Microwave*
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Monster
- Montana
- Moon Knight
- More*
- Movie*
- Music*
- National Bar-B-Que (BBQ) Month*
- National Hamburger Month*
- National Pet Week*
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Night*
- No*
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ocean*
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Open*
- Oregon
- Owl*
- Pennsylvania
- Pie
- Pillow*
- Pizza
- Pop soda*
- Poster*
- Raccoon*
- Red Panda
- Rhode Island
- Sheep*
- Shoe*
- Sleeping bag*
- Snake*
- Sock*
- Sunday*
- Tea
- Teacher Appreciation Day*
- Thirst*
- Tiger*
- Tired*
- Understand*
- WakeWolf
- What about me?*
- Wolf*
- Yes*
- You have cute handpaws*